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Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum DBA

About Credentials

Current Opportunities

Application Form

One Attachment File

Review by the Employers


Review by the Employers

On-line SessionTimeout

File Type


The CV Bank Applicants

► The CV Bank location: <>

A career seeker may apply for positions advertised on the CV Bank and/or may create a generic profile by posting the CV in an area independent of the specific positions that may be advertised at any given time.  The applications and the profile records may be revised by the applicant multiple times (in case of specific-position applications until the respective deadlines).

About Credentials

All on-line submissions require user authentication. Credentials (username and password) can be obtained in self-serve mode. To create a set of credentials the user must have a valid email account; that account is used for receipt of the initial temporary passwords and whenever the password needs to be reset.
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Current Opportunities

All postings published on the CV Bank can be browsed and read by all visitors.  Some postings require that the applications for the positions be submitted on-line via the CV Bank while others may have different requirements for the submissions (such as submission via email); please read each set of instructions carefully.

Application Form

The on-line application form for a specific position has three mandatory fields: the Email Address, the Full Name, and the Message.  You will be able to submit it only when these three fields are populated. 

Be very brief in the message filed. Some applicants use that field only to introduce the attachment, which they then use to pass both, the complete cover letter and the CV; others use the message field as the cover letter and submit only the CV in the attachment.

The on-line application may have only one attachment file in the MS Word format having a file name extension of ".DOC".  You are strongly encouraged to format the attachment as a complete message starting with a cover letter followed by the CV on subsequent page(s) of that file. 

You may resubmit the application form if necessary.

  • Only one attachment file per job posting will be accessible by the employer.  The attachment file, if re-uploaded, will overwrite its earlier copy.

  • Keep in mind that resubmitting the application has no bearing or your "ranking" or position in the list of all applicants. However the employer will be made aware of how many times you submitted and if necessary will have a chance to review the earlier version(s) but most of the time the earlier version(s) are ignored.

The on-line application form also has an optional plain-text field called "Other Notes".  You may need that field if you use an obsolete, or challenged because of some other reason, browser and may not enter text in the "Message" field.

The specific position applications are accessible for review by the employers immediately, as soon as they get submitted.

The list of all applications for specific position from all applicants when presented to the employers is sorted in the order of the earliest interest first down to the most recent one at the end.  However if you resubmitted your application for some reason (to make a correction or an addition), your most recent submission out of the group of all your submissions is presented to the employer by default and the others show up only as clickable side links should there be a need to review them as well.


(The CV/Profile form IS NOT an application form for a specific position.  —Occasionally some applicants are confused about the purpose of this form, so this has to be stated.)

The CV/Profile form has six mandatory fields: the Email Address, the First and the Last Name, the Position(s) Sought, the Centres Interested in, and the Message. You will be able to submit it only when all these fields are populated.

Be very brief in the message filed.  Some applicants use that field only to introduce the attachment, which they then use to pass both, the complete cover letter and the CV; others use the message field as the cover letter and submit only the CV in the attachment.

The rules for the contents of the message field and the attachment file are similar to the corresponding fields' rules in the Application Form.

The CV/Profile is available to the employers for up-to six months since your last update.

The list of all CV/Profiles from all applicants when presented for review by the employers is sorted in the order of most recently modified first down to the oldest and least active.

Although the CV/Profiles stop being presented to the employers at the six-month inactivity mark, the get deleted from the CV Bank at a time after that six months (often considerably later).

Finally, the applicant is allowed to delete own CV/Profile at any time.


On-line Session Timeout

The CV Bank session timeouts may affect your ability to submit the forms or upload files.  The session timeout is programmed for 20 minutes since your last interaction with the Web server.

The timeout depends on your browser's interaction with the server — Physically submitting data to the server or requesting files from the server (browsing Webpages, images, etc.) keeps the session alive as each such actions reset the timeout clock. 

Data entry into an on-line form (displayed on your screen) is done without any interaction with the server and does not reset the timeout clock; consequently if that activity takes too long, the session may expire and you will be logged out. 

To help you keep track of the timeout, a countdown is displayed in the top-right corner of the page once you sign on.  (Note that if you open multiple windows ore tabbed pages accessing this Site, the session may well remain alive past the instance when the countdown ends.)

To avoid the timeout trap, prepare all the texts off-line using your word processor.  Then sign-on and copy-and-paste all the items into appropriate fields; and submit the form.  (It is too easy to lose track of time once one gets creative.)

If your session times out before you decided to select and start uploading the attachment file, the upload utility will attempt uploading your file but that may get misplaced once it arrives on the server (there is a kind of a trash folder on the server for this purpose).

File Type

The only file type that is expected is MS Word document with file name extension of ".DOC".  The file name that you give to the document gets replaced by the system with a standardised name on our server.

If you encounter problems uploading your attachments (the utility notifies you that the file type is incorrect), make sure the file name extension is ".DOC".








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